How to submit pull request via CLI to Bitbucket?

Solution 1:

You could use a command line tool like curl on the bitbucket rest api. How to create a pull request with HTTP POST is documented here.

Give it a try:

 curl \ 
 -X POST \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -u username:password \ \
 -d @pullrequest.json

with file pullrequest.json containing

     "title": "Merge some branches", 
     "description": "stackoverflow example",
     "source": { 
         "branch": { 
            "name": "mybranchToMerge" 
          "repository": { 
            "full_name": "account/reponame" 
     "destination": { 
         "branch": { 
             "name": "master" 
      "reviewers": [ { "username": "reviewerUsername" } ], 
      "close_source_branch": false 

For more options look here:

Bitbucket: Send a pull request via command line?

More about git request-pull can be found here:

Difference between 'git request-pull' and 'pull request'

Solution 2:

Probably the answer to your question is disappointing, as Pull Requests are not a native feature of git they are not supported through the CLI or any other standard git tool. Additionally there is no standard protocol for Pull Requests even outside of standard git. Each platform (GitLab, GitHub etc.) provides its own flavor of Pull Requests.

Since you question is about Pull Requests in general and not about Pull Requests on a specific provider the answer is that it cannot be done.