Using RStudio to Make Pull Requests in Git

My enterprise has a Git repository. To make changes, I have to make changes in my forked repository and then make a pull request.

I primarily use RStudio, so I have enabled its integration with Git. I can make changes to my forked repository and then push, pull, sync, etc. The problem is that I still have an additional step of logging into GitHub and making a pull request for my forked repository. Is there a way of doing this from RStudio?

I too use RStudio for R development and I do not believe there is a way to do this. The reason is because this is more than just adding code to a branch, you're requesting a management feature to take place which is pulling part of your code into another branch of the code base. RStudio appears to be limited to pulling, syncing and committing. Likely you need to use a separate, more full featured GitHub client.