you can use htop also and its more featured than top .

if you want to test it , then you have install it with

sudo apt-get install htop

after that type htop .

You can try the top command to have a system monitor in console. It will display the CPU usage for the processes running in your machine.

Another alternative is conky-cli. You can install it with the command

sudo apt-get install conky-cli

or using the link conky-cli Install conky-cli

After installation, start it with conky command.

One option is to use dstat

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install dstat

then run it by simply entering


to get this default output which updates every second and provides column headers with every screenful:

enter image description here

The advantage dstat has over htop is the same that System-Monitor has, namely that it shows trends.

dstat is very versatile. Here is an article that explains the command line switches and shows some of the advanced options:

5+ “dstat” Command Usage Examples in Linux

nmon from the eponymous package.