Is there a way to change user picture in Xubuntu, and actually display it on login?

enter image description here

*For Xubuntu 14.04 : The image must be as high as wide : 200x200 for ex. Open Terminal (CTRL-ATL-T) and copy it to ~/.face Reboot to see if all is OK ?

For Xubuntu versions before 11.10

Create a 96x96 jpg (JPEG) and renamed it as ~/.face.

For Xubuntu versions 11.10 and above

Create a 96x72 png (PNG) and renamed it as ~/.face.

Log-out to see your masterpiece.

How To:

1. Using GIMP

The in-built image editor in Xubuntu is Gimp.

Load the image in Gimp and crop the image to approximately 96x96 or 96x72 pixels depending upon your xubuntu version as described above.

Then fine-tune your image via Image - Scale Image...

enter image description here

Break the scale link as shown and enter the pixel size 96 x 96 or 96 x 72 as appropriate. Complete the scale by clicking the Scale button

Save the file. If necessary save the file type when saving (jpg or png).

2. Using Imagemagick

imagemagick comes with several command line image manipulation programs but the one we need to resize the image is named convert

convert original.jpg -resize 96x96 ~/.face

This will create a copy of original.jpg named .face, with a resolution of 96x96 and place it in your home directory.

In Xubuntu 13.10, I believe any square PNG ~/.face file will work. Even transparent ones!

A rectangular image will be squashed, so only use square. Go to switch user screen to test it while editing.