How do I upgrade the version of phpMyAdmin from 3.3 to 3.5?

I've installed phpMyAdmin and I want to change its theme, I want to install the Metro 2.0 theme from, but this theme is only compatible with the version 3.5 of phpMyAdmin, while my current version is: 3.3.2deb1.

How can I upgrade this version to 3.5?

I tried to reinstall the phpmyadmin package and then install it using the apt-get install phpmyadmin command, but it's always the version 3.3.2deb1 being installed.

I guess you need to add their ppa to your system, but in this case you'll get latest version, which is 4.0 for most ubuntu releases, and 3.5 for oneiric

ppa home:

terminal commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nijel/phpmyadmin;
sudo apt-get update;
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin;

graphical way:

Open Update manager / Settings / Other Software / Add / "ppa:nijel/phpmyadmin" click ok and provide password when needed, then: in Update manager click Chek and you're ready to update phpmyadmin :)

*upgrading using ppa, is recomended

*adding ppa is one time operation