New posts in pronunciation

How do you pronounce the name Keqing? [closed]

Why is the accent on "petrol" and "patrol" different?

What was the original sound of rh?

Pronunciation of "automata" [closed]

Pronunciation of double consonants

How to pronounce "$ a:b=c:d$" in English?

Proper way to pronounce "Pyrzqxgl!" [closed]

Is it wrong to pronounce the second "T" in word "potential"?

How to calculate number of syllables in a word using only the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) spelling?

The proper way to say "Mocha" the coffee drink

Words whose pronunciation remains the same with the last four letters removed

Words with pronunciations more complex than spelling

Why are the words "lose" and "choose" written differently and pronounced the same way?

What is the correct, or at least most accepted/used pronunciation of "Celtic"? [duplicate]

Why doesn't blood sound like \ˈblüd\? [duplicate]

Name for people who cannot pronounce one particular sound

What decides how to read a Roman number in titles?

Odd pronunciation of adjectives ending in -ed

Does any native English word contain the 'ñ' sound?

How should I pronounce 't' followed by 'the'?