New posts in prompt

Why is this bash prompt acting strangely/disappearing, and how do I fix it (OS X)?

How can I make an expect script prompt for a password?

Add some default text to Ctrl-Alt-F1 console to remind myself how to reboot properly

How to change the prompt of mc's subshell

Is it possible to get bash to display the first letter of each directory in my working path?

Multiline RPROMPT in zsh

Lightning bolt for prompt (PS1)

What 016 017 in bash prompt, how can I make it correct in Terminal

What's the default value of %PROMPT% in Windows 7?

Displaying colors in the prompt

How can I shorten the bash prompt's current path to one letter per directory?

Prompt customization: how to detect when there is no tty

How do I change the command-line prompt in Windows?

ssh login causes repeating characters in my zsh

How to Repair Grub while dual booting ( win7 / ubuntu 11.10)

What does ' (single quote) do in the terminal?

Changing the way a JavaScript Alert() or Prompt() looks

reprepro - Is there any chance to enter the passphrase via bash-script?

How can the last command's wall time be put in the Bash prompt?

Customized prompt does not hold when a child bash is ran