New posts in prompt

Change hostname and prompt in OS X terminal

ZSH: Hide computer name in terminal

How do I remove computer name from the command line prompt?

Don't make me manually abort a LaTeX compile when there's an error

Anaconda / Python: Change Anaconda Prompt User Path

Getting more helpful tab completion prompts in bash?

Why does setting the bash prompt (PS1) manually cause root to have a $ instead of a #?

Making Linux shell prompt show last return value

How do I fix my prompt in emacs shell-mode?

Bash prompt with the last exit code

Which directory does path `//` represent in Linux?

Ansi escape code chart for CMD prompt

How do I stop Ubuntu from asking for my password every time I install something?

Get current window number for bash prompt

To get a prompt which indicates Git-branch in Zsh

Bash custom prompt breaking wrapping of long command lines

Long lines overlap in Bash PS1 customized prompt

How can I fix the dull colors I am getting in Ubuntu 19.04 Terminal?

How to show the current Vi mode when using Vi keybindings in the shell?

WPF: Create a dialog / prompt