New posts in projective-geometry

Projective Co-ordinate Geometry

How to complete Vakil's proof that the composition of projective morphisms are projective when the target is quasicompact?

Can a continuous map $S^2 \rightarrow S^2$ preserve orthogonality without being an isometry?

Projectivization and stereographic projection, or: Why nonlinear + nonlinear = linear?

What is the difference between affine and projective transformations?

What is correct representation of homogenous coordinates?

Rectify image from congruent planar shape objects

constructing segments with equal cross ratio

What is the relationship between projection plane and projective plane?

Prerequisite of Projective Geometry for Algebraic Geometry

Geometric Interpretation of the Cross-Ratio

What exactly does it mean by pencil in this context?

Is a divisor in the hyperplane class necessarily a hyperplane divisor?

what happens in each stage of the render pipeline in the Phong lighting model? [closed]

Show that $(F,G_1;H,B)$ is an harmonic range in the figure below

What is topological distortion?

Show compactification of positive real plane is homeomorphic to $\Bbb R \Bbb P^2$

Learning projective geometry

Can a line in a projective plane have just two points?

If a line bundle and its dual both have a section (on a projective variety) does this imply that the bundle is trivial?