New posts in product-space

The real line is not homeomorphic to any non-trivial product space [closed]

Convergence in product topology

Is product of two closed sets closed?

Product and Box Topologies

Uncountable Cartesian product of closed interval

Uncountable product of separable spaces is separable? [duplicate]

Exercise 4, Section 16 of Munkres Topology [duplicate]

Proving separability of the countable product of separable spaces using density.

Continuity of a bilinear form with respect to weak$^*$ topology [closed]

The product of Hausdorff spaces is Hausdorff

Does factor-wise continuity imply continuity?

Product of path connected spaces is path connected

Net convergence over product and box topology

Two questions on Munkres -Topology: product and subspace of separable spaces

Does the box topology have a universal property?

Show that $[0, 1)\times[0, 1)$ is homeomorphic to $[0, 1]\times[0, 1)$ but not to $[0, 1]\times[0, 1]$.

Every section of a measurable set is measurable? (in the product sigma-algebra)

Is "product" of Borel sigma algebras the Borel sigma algebra of the "product" of underlying topologies?

Finite Product of Closed Maps Need Not Be Closed

Is there a simple method to prove that the square of the Sorgenfrey line is not normal?