New posts in probability

Intuitive explanation for a constant answer in a Bayes theorem question

When comparing MGFs why is $X+2Y \ne X+Y+Y$?

Why is the expected value $E(X^2) \neq E(X)^2$?

Moment generating function of a gamma distribution

Distribution of the normal cdf

What's the probability of choosing two numbers from $[0,1]$ and having the difference at least one half? [duplicate]

Going to the Movies!

Probability of picking an odd number from the set of naturals?

Why is XOR the default way to combine hashes?

Finding explicit formula for recursive relation

Coupon collector problem for collecting set k times.

Given $E[Y]=1$ , $E[Y^2]=2$ and $E[Y^3]=5$, Y non negative integer random variable, find min of $P[Y=0]$

Proving the Gamma-Poisson relationship using induction

Probability of a biased random walk hitting an absorbing barrier in some number of steps

Density and expectation of the range of a sample of uniform random variables [closed]

Define $X:= cube , Y:=coin$ If $Y=H$ the player get $2X$ dollars.If $Y=T$ the player get $\frac{1}{2}X$ dollars. Find the expected value of the gain.

Understanding the distribution of two correlated random variables.

Cutting a galette and hitting the fève

Probability that my roll on a die will be higher than yours: Why divide by 6?