New posts in probability

Game of draughts, expected value of first move advantage, part 2

Confusing probability question

expected value calculation for squared normal distribution

How to understand the mean and variance of Hypergeometric distribution intuitively

If the integers 1-9 are randomly distributed into three sets of 3 integers, what is the probability that at least one set contains only odd integers?

Why is the expected value of the product of standard normals the identity?

Probability: 6 Dice are rolled. Which is more likely, that you get exactly one 6, or that you get 6 different numbers?

Variance of time to find first duplicate

Applications of the 5/8 Theorem

Black and white shirts puzzle

What's wrong with this equal probability solution for Monty Hall Problem?

Probability of $\limsup$ of a sequence of sets (Borel-Cantelli lemma)

Addition of two Binomial Distribution

Expectation on 1/X

A riddle about guessing hat colours (which is not among the commonly known ones)

Calculating maximum-likelihood estimation of the exponential distribution and proving its consistency

Coupon collector without replacement

Combinatorics Distribution - Number of integer solutions Concept Explanation

Show two random variables have same distribution

Conditional Probability P(A intersect B intersect C)