New posts in probability

What is the difference between a probability distribution on events and random variables?

Definition of the total variation distance: $ V(P,Q) = \frac{1}{2} \int |p-q|d\nu$?

Prove that $E(|(X+Y)(X-Y)|) \leq 2\sqrt{1-\rho²}$, where $\rho$ is correlation.

Inverse of binary entropy function for $0 \le x \le \frac{1}{2}$

Random Variable absolute value distribution (PDF and CDF)

A random sphere containing the center of the unit cube

Chebyshev's versus Markov's inequality

Substochastic matrix spectral radius

pdf of a member of a sequence of dependent random variables

Jensen's inequality; what's the need for the probability measure?

Poisson random variables and Binomial Theorem

Distribution of sums

Odds of one person getting more odd numbers on a die than another

If $X$ is a complete estimator, then a linear transformation of $X$ is a complete estimator?

The hot hand and coin flips after a sequence of heads

Probability that one random number is larger than other random numbers

Estimate probabilities from its moments

Different approaches to N balls and m boxes problem

Simulating uniformly on $S^1=\{x \in \mathbb{R}^n \mid \|x\|_1=1\}$

On clarifying the relationship between distribution functions in measure theory and probability theory