New posts in probability

What is the probability of a random natural number being a power of $10$

You see a route 14 bus on the moon. What is the most likely number of bus routes on the moon?

Expected number of card draws to get all 4 suits

If random variable $\xi$ is more peaked than $\eta$ can $P(|\xi| \leqslant |\eta|)$ equals zero?

A person is trapped in a room with 4 doors. What is the expected number of days

Calculating the Expectation and Variance of having pairs after selecting N people

St. Petersburg Paradox

Why is the expected value (mean) of a variable written using square brackets?

how to find PDF of $X+Y$

Prove complements of independent events are independent.

Probability of rolling a dice 8 times before all numbers are shown.

Monty Hall Problem Intuition

Show $\mathbb{E}(X) = \int_0^{\infty} (1-F_X(x)) \, dx$ for a continuous random variable $X \geq 0$

Toss 100 fair coins and take away the tails; toss the remaining coins and take away the tails. Continue until no coins remain. [duplicate]

Cool examples of the Central Limit Theorem in action

Erdős-Rényi model, network reliability

If $X, Y$ and $Z$ are non identical and independent exponential random variables, what is the probability density function of $X + Y - Z$? [closed]

CDF and PDF of absolute difference of two exponential random variables.

What is the probability of these events?

Expected percent of randomly selected items that satisfy some property