New posts in probability-theory

A Good Book for Mathematical Probability Theory [duplicate]

A Brownian motion $B$ that is discontinuous at an independent, uniformly distributed random variable $U(0,1)$

One of two independent flip sequences reaches two heads simultaneously. What is the distribution of others tosses.

CDF of a sum of independent random variables

stopped filtration = filtration generated by stopped process?

conditional probability : planning and development questions

The law of absolute value of a standard Brownian motion

Geometric distribution with unequal probabilities for trials

What does it mean to integrate a Brownian motion with respect to time?

Prove that the CDF of a random variable is always right-continuous

Linearity of convergence in distribution of random variables

Conditional probability on zero probability events (Definition)

Expected profit of dice game

Proof of the tower property for conditional expectations

Average Frequency of 1's in an Infinite Binary Sequences Can be Anything Between 0 and 1

The sum of infinitely many $c$s is $c$ implies $c = 0$.

Weak Convergence of centered and scaled sum to a non-degenerate limit implies existence of the second moments of the sequence

Looking for different proofs of "Discrete Liouville's Theorem".

An urn has 4 balls of 4 different colours Red,Blue,Green,Yellow.

Conditional expectation of $\max(X,Y)$ and $\min(X,Y)$ when $X,Y$ are iid and exponentially distributed