New posts in probability-theory

Convergence in law implies uniform convergence of cdf's

Approximation of conditional expectation

What is the weak*-topology on a set of probability measures?

Conditional Expectation of Functions of Random Variables satisfying certain Properties

Singular continuous measures "in nature"

Concentration of measure vs large deviation

$\mathbb E[ |X| ] < \infty \iff \forall \epsilon : \mathbb E[ |X / \epsilon | ] < \infty$

Contradiction proof that a sequence cannot converge in probability

Tail probability bound on the expected value of measurable function of a random variable

How expected value is related to density function?

Probability of having zero determinant

How do you compute numerically the Earth mover's distance (EMD)?

What is the difference between mutually independent and pairwise independent events in probability theory?

What are the foundations of probability and how are they dependent upon a $\sigma$-field?

Probability to choose specific item in a "weighted sampling without replacement" experiment

Sum of iid exponential random variables without using calculus

Disintegration theorem, a reference needed

How prove $E|X|^p<\infty$ and $E|Y|^p<\infty$, if $E|X+Y|^p<\infty$

What is the probability that the sum of digits of a random $k$-digit number is $n$?

Existence of iid random variables