New posts in probability-theory

Definition of Conditional expectation of Y given X.

Alternative Expected Value Proof

How does revealing information affect a discrete distribution?

Upper bounds for probability

Uniform convergence and weak convergence

When modelling a real world event by assuming it has probability p, what are we saying/assuming about how that event behaves?

Two tails in a row - what's the probability that the game started with a head?

Asymptotics of the sum of squares of binomial coefficients

What are some easier books for studying martingale?

Definition of the total variation distance: $ V(P,Q) = \frac{1}{2} \int |p-q|d\nu$?

Dumb question: Computing expectation without change of variable formula

Chebyshev's versus Markov's inequality

pdf of a member of a sequence of dependent random variables

Verify a distribution that is not exponential family

What do Commas Mean in Probability

Poisson random variables and Binomial Theorem

Distribution of sums

Is the expectation of the supremum of a random walk with negative drift finite?

How do concepts such as limits work in probability theory, as opposed to calculus?

A planar Brownian motion has area zero