New posts in probability-distributions

Sum of the product of two combinations

Uncorrelated, Non Independent Random variables

Prove variance in Uniform distribution (continuous)

What is the moment generating function of the Laplace distribution?

Binomial distribution p=1

How can I construct the following distribution?

Exponential distribution from Poisson

Prove that $\mathbb P(X>Y) =\frac{b}{a + b}$ if $X, Y$ are exponentially distributed with parameters $a$ and $b$.

PDF of volume of tetrahedron with random coordinates

Distribution of Ratio of Exponential and Gamma random variable

X,Y are independent standard normal distributed then what is the distribution of $\frac{X}{X+Y}$

The Kullback-Leibler Divergence Proof of Exact Same Distribution

PDF of product of variables

Show t-distribution is close to normal distribution when df is large

Why left continuity does not hold in general for cumulative distribution functions?

Probability function of $Y=max\{X,m\}$ for $m$ positive integer when $X$ is geometric distribution [duplicate]

What's Wrong With My Calculation of $E[X]$?

Example of 2 random variables s.t. $(X+Y)$ ~ $U(0,2)$

Lipschitz inequality with Rademacher variable

Mode of Negative distribution