New posts in probability-distributions

What defines a "description" of a probability distribution?

Repeating something with (1/n)th chance of success n times

Why are linear combinations of independent standard normal random variables also normally distributed?

Odd order moments of a symmetrical distribution

Expected value as integral of survival function

Find the probability density function of $Y=X^2$

Probability distribution for the perimeter and area of triangle with fixed circumscribed radius

The correct physical interpretation of Binomial distribution and bernoulli trial in this example

Question about order statistics

Show the result of the following infinite sum, based on a binomial random variable conditioned on a Poisson random variable

Singular vector of random Gaussian matrix

Probability density function of the integral of a continuous stochastic process

The 3rd raw moment of a binomial distribution

If $X$ and $Y$ are uniformly distributed on $(0,1)$, what is the distribution of $\max(X,Y)/\min(X,Y)$?

A simple classical probability theory misunderstanding

Is this distribution already known and has a name?

Proof (confusion) of the product of two random variables of two sequences converge to XY

Do moments define distributions?

How is the distance of two random points in a unit hypercube distributed?

bounding probability of biased coin.