New posts in prime-numbers

Can every number $n$ be written as the sum of $n$ different prime numbers?

Pollard-Strassen Algorithm

Ulam spiral: Is there an "unusual amount of clumping" in prime-rich quadratic polynomials?

How can I solve the folowing Diophantine equation with two unknowns?

Values of the Liouville function

Are there an infinite number of prime quadruples of the form $10n + 1$, $10n + 3$, $10n + 7$, $10n + 9$?

Does $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{P_n\ln(P_n)}$ converge to the golden ratio?

Are there arbitrarily long prime gaps in which each number has at least three distinct prime factors?

Primality test for numbers of the form $(11^p-1)/10$

On polynomials taking infinitely many prime values

What is the distribution of primes modulo $n$?

Estimate for the product of primes less than n

nth powers modulo all primes

Prove that $5$ is the only prime $p$ such that $3p + 1$ is a perfect square

Is there any similar solutions including $\pi$ like $1-\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{4}-\frac{1}{5}+\cdots=\frac{\pi}{3\sqrt{3}}$?

Is there a prime number between every prime and its square?

How rare are the primes $p$ such that $p$ divides the sum of all primes less than $p$?

Unique pair of positive integers $(p,n)$ satisfying $p^3-p=n^7-n^3$ where $p$ is prime

Evidence against Goldbach's Conjecture?

If $n$ is composite, so is $2^n-1$ [duplicate]