New posts in preprocessor

Java Preprocessor

How do you implement "#ifdef" in python?

WiX undefined preprocessor variable

Need help passing defined C constants to asm instruction

It is possible to call function or calculate in C preprocessor step?

Add preprocessor macro to a target in xcode 6

How do I override a Python import?

CUDA and nvcc: using the preprocessor to choose between float or double

How to detect compilation by Android NDK in a C/C++ file?

I need a way in a C preprocessor #if to test if a value will create a 0-size array

Managing highly repetitive code and documentation in Java

Selecting values from dataframe based on multiple column values

How would you do the equivalent of preprocessor directives in Python?

Inno Setup: How do I see the output (translation) of the Inno Setup Preprocessor?

How to check release / debug builds using cfg in Rust?

Xcode 4 can't locate public header files from static library dependency

"Debug only" code that should run only when "turned on"

Swift: how to use PREPROCESSOR Flags (like `#if DEBUG`) to implement API keys?

#define in Java

Can gcc output C code after preprocessing?