New posts in inno-setup

Inno Setup - Convert array of string to Unicode and back to ANSI

Inno Setup Exec() function Wait for a limited time

Edit installed XML file according to user preferences in Inno Setup

Access file list via script in InnoSetup

Load external DLL for uninstall process in Inno Setup

Inno Setup - #define directive - how to use previously defined variable?

Passing conditional parameter in Inno Setup

Inno Setup WizardImageFile looks bad with font scaling on Windows 7

Installers: WIX or Inno Setup? [closed]

Inno Setup desktop shortcut (link) which has "Run as administrator" advanced property set

Inno Setup: Install other installer and run it before continuing my install

Inno-setup 32bit and 64bit in one

Calling .NET DLL in Inno Setup [duplicate]

Run a [Code] or PowerShell script in Inno Setup compiler

Inno Setup: How to modify long running script so it will not freeze GUI?

Merging event function (InitializeWizard) implementations from different sources

Multiple images display (slideshow) on wpInstalling Page under ProgressGauge bar in Inno Setup

Inno Setup Get progress from .NET Framework 4.5 (or higher) installer to update progress bar position

Using Process Exit code to show error message for a specific File in [Run]

Is the Verisign Timestamp server down? [closed]