New posts in preferences

The system preference panes will not load

Setting Vim whitespace preferences by filetype

How do I reset to default window sizes in MacOS Safari's Responsive Design Mode?

Mavericks: How to ADD Input Source via plists/defaults?

Where are cellular data preferences stored in iOS?

Logitech Options won't let me change the "Keystroke assignment" assigned to a mouse button anymore

What exactly does Background App Refresh in iOS 7 do?

Is there a way to force "low power" graphics?

How to control order of startup items for users at login?

Finder- Reopen Last Closed Window

How to make permanent change to .config/user-dirs.dirs?

Where can I find a list of Apple preferences/plist files & what they're used for?

Enabling both trackpad Drag Lock and 3 Finger Drag at once?

Default background color in Textedit

Always enable Smart Quotes in TextEdit?

Open Preference Pane from command line on El Capitan (Mac OS X 10.11)

How to disable Mojave’s desktop tinting (with reduce transparency)?

iTunes opens automatically when CD inserted

Switch from path bar to location bar permanently in Nautilus

Safari 11.1 Search Engine Preference Reverts to Google