New posts in powershell

How can I create a windows shutdown script from powershell/command-line?

PowerShell: Comparing dates

Get details of current Azure VM from inside the VM using PowerShell

Why "net use * /delete" does not work but waits for confirmation in my PowerShell script?

Rename AD computer member fails with "Cannot create a file when that file already exists"

What is the equivalent of Bash's cat -n in PowerShell?

How do I replace spaces with %20 in PowerShell?

Powershell v3.0 pipe issue

Where can I download Powershell 2.0 for Windows 7?

Renaming computers via command prompt

New VM Can't connect SSH port 22 - Permission Denied

Automatically sending a 'Welcome' email to all new user accounts

Powershell Get-Process and Task Manager discrepancy

How do I get the body of a web request that returned 400 Bad Request from Invoke-RestMethod

How to set display resolution via PowerShell on Win10 Pro

Powershell Unload Module... completely

Pass function as a parameter

Powershell 2: How to strip a specific character from a body of ASCII text

Powershell 2 and Exchange: Find conflicting objects

Using Powershell to output characters (not lines) after a match in a large file