New posts in parts-of-speech

'to' / 'rather than' / 'but' [duplicate]

fun - part of speech

What part of speech is 'closer' functioning as in 'I moved closer'?

What is the part of speech for words suffixed with "ity"?

Is factoid an Auto-antonym?

More on 'who should she see': what part of speech is 'should' in this phrase?

Is the following sentence an adjective clause or an adjective phrase or a noun clause? [closed]

Is 'subject' in 'is subject to considerable debate' a verb or a noun?

The verb form of "Is entered in the race"

Can the word ‘genius’ be used as an adjective?

What is the word for using one part of speech where another would be more grammatical?

Why does Pinker classify these words as prepositions in *The Sense of Style*?

How to know what part of speech is "there" in some cases? [closed]

In the PP 'near here', why is 'near' the head?

Part of speech: "I am disappointed with"

"As of late" or "as of lately"?

When does a pronoun function as demonstrative or relative?

What are AWAY and APART modifying here?

Can we use "depot" as an adjective? [closed]

When is "here" an adverb or a noun?