New posts in partial-differential-equations

How to find first integral in a given quasilinear partial differential equation?

is there a way to prove the Mean-value formulas using complex analysis?

Solution of recursive differential equation

Reference: solved problems and exercises on PDEs

Heat Equation + Uniform Convergence in time -> Harmonic Limit

Could we find an inverse inequality from the trace theorem?

Heat equation with a disc

Weakly differentiable but classically nowhere differentiable

continuity and $C^2$ solution of a series

Green's functions of Stokes flow

PDE - Feynman-Kac vs. finite difference methods

Solving the Laplace equation in terms of exponential of hyperbolic trigonometric functions

Problem about Ricci flow

Mean value property with fixed radius

Learning differential/Riemannian geometry for PDEs

Exact Solution form Fundamental Solution PDE

Compute $\sum\limits_{n = 1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^4}$.

Green’s Function for the Heat Equation

Show harmonic function is constant on $\mathbb{R}^n$

Evans's proof of the Leibniz's formula for the weak derivatives in Sobolev spaces