New posts in nuget

Unable to resolve assembly reference issue without frameworkAssemblies

List all available versions of a specific package in NuGet Package Manager Console

Do binding redirects in app.config for class libraries do anything?

How to resolve NuGet dependency hell

What is the Nuget repositories.config file for?

VS2015 - The 'NuGetPackage' package did not load correctly

NuGet error on creating MVC4 Project in VS 2012

Project reference VS NuGet

Why NuGet adds app.config with assemblyBinding to LIBRARY projects during a NuGet package update?

Pain-free local development while also referencing NuGet packages

NuGet Assembly outside lib folder

Don't include dependencies from packages.config file when creating NuGet package

Differences between nuget-packing a csproj vs. nuspec

The project was restored using Microsoft.NETCore.App version 2.1.0, but with current settings, version 2.1.0-rtm-26515-03 would be used instead

NuGet "Gather Dependencies" Hangs

How to install NuGet from command line on linux

Nuget: What is the purpose of the <package requireReinstallation /> attribute in packages.config?

How to remove a specific version of a package on a TeamCity Nuget Feed?

Nuget versioning issue with package restore

Why does my .NET Standard NuGet package trigger so many dependencies?