How to install NuGet from command line on linux

I need to install NuGet on Linux based machine.When am using the following command in Windows machine it works fine.

nuget install packages.config

But I am unable to do this with linux machine, how to achieve this?

Once you've followed the (somewhat annoying) install steps to get .Net core installed and the apt repo setup from, you can just do this:

sudo apt install nuget

and you'll have a working nuget on your local machine:

$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS \n \l

$ nuget
NuGet Version:
usage: NuGet <command> [args] [options] 
Type 'NuGet help <command>' for help on a specific command.

Notice that as of the time of writing do not run nuget update -self, as although it will successfully install a more recent version of nuget, that version won't actually run.

If you do break it though, you can always just blow it away and reinstall:

sudo apt remove nuget
sudo apt install nuget

Install mono, download nuget: sudo apt-get install mono-complete wget

After then run it using mono nuget.exe.