Visual Studio Code: Disable quote wrapping text selection

Solution 1:

It is possible!

 "editor.autoClosingBrackets" : "never"

(Located in settings.json which you can open in Editor via File>Preferences>UserSettings)

Sadly this setting covers ALL auto wrappings. Including braces, double quotes, single quotes and brackets. You cannot control them individually

UPDATE: autoClosingBrackets is obsolete. The new suggestion is:

"editor.autoSurround": "never"

Solution 2:

I found this question via Google and the selected answer didn't work for me. I'm using VSCode version 1.27.2, and for me the I had to disable the Auto Surround option.

"editor.autoSurround": "never"

Solution 3:

Using VSCode version: 1.36.0

You can use: "editor.autoClosingQuotes": "never"


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