New posts in dependency-management

What if two python packages have different versions of package dependencies?

Create an AAR with multiple AARs/JARs

Update multiple dependencies with Bower

Maven Multi Module benefits over simple dependency

Gradle equivalent to Maven's "copy-dependencies"?

In a Maven multi-module project, how can I disable a plugin in one child?

Missing artifact com.sun.jdmk:jmxtools:jar:1.2.1

What is Cocoapods?

How can I make Heroku install devDependencies?

How to specify a classifier in a gradle dependency's dependency?

How to resolve NuGet dependency hell

Gradle: Override transitive dependency by version classifier

When to use "optional" dependencies and when to use "provided" scope?

How to check pom.xml for updated dependencies

Maven : Should I keep or remove declared dependencies that are also transitives dependencies?

How do I define a variable for the dependency version in Gradle

Do you know the Maven profile for

Correct way to check Java version from BASH script

How do I prevent Maven from downloading artifacts every time?

dependencyManagement and scope