NuGet "Gather Dependencies" Hangs

When I add a NuGet package (latest version of NuGet and Visual Studio 2015) it hangs at "Attempting to gather dependencies" for ~5 minutes before installing the package. I can point to, our internal server, or a folder on my local machine. All behave exactly the same.

After a lot of digging (I had this issue for a long time before posting) I found the issue. One of the NuGet package sources in my list was down. If I remove that from the list, everything goes smoothly. With it in, it bogs down even if no packages in my packages.config are related to that source.

I struggled with the same issue for too long and almost all the advice I read was to update nuget VS extension (I'm using VS package manager console) or restart VS and nothing worked...

My setup (at time of issue):

  • VS 2015 Pro Update 2
  • Package Manager Console Host Version

Solution that finally worked for me:

  1. Close VS if open.
  2. Delete %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.Config
  3. Open VS and package manager console (this will recreate Nuget.config)

This updated my feed to no longer point to (see image below)

New feed

  1. My Microsoft and .NET feed was also selected and I had to deselect that too: enter image description here

After this installing packages no longer hung on 'Attempting to gather dependency information for package...'

Kudos to for the idea of deleting nuget.config.

This morning, all of our builds started failing. After doing some digging, we figured out that it was hanging on while resolving dependencies. More digging, it was connecting and downloading but seemed to be caught in a loop. Each time we cancelled the build, it left a Nuget.exe running in the background - CPU got hot.

Turns out that upgraded their servers last night (1/13/2016) and the version of Nuget.exe that our builds were running (2.7.2) was choking.

The fix (at least for us) was to upgrade to 2.8.6 ( I know that isn't the most current version but it worked for us. We'll upgrade later after the smoke dissipates!