New posts in music

Prevent websites from taking over audio on iPhone?

Term for addictive song, replayed too many times it is hated or neutral now

What is creating a folder named ".mediaartlocal" in all my music folders?

Clementine not playing files with certain characters in the name

Missing Lyrics option in Music app in iOS 11.1

Reducing bitrate in conversion of mp3 and ogg

What does "snappy number" mean in Jazz?

Is there a way to automatically adjust EQ settings when the audio output changes?

Is there media player with support of multiple genre tags

MIDI controller problem

Can I connect to iTunes music shares using Amarok?

Are there any good alternatives to GarageBand available?

Universal shortcuts for music players

remove albums from music on iOS

Apple Music Migration

Apple music playlist gone empty after upgrading to Catalina

iOS 13 screw-up - Songs not syncing

How can I know exactly which songs I have purchased from iTunes?

Why does my iPhone not play music or audio through my car's stereo?

Play count and ratings in iTunes transferred to Music in 10.15?