New posts in multiline

Multi-line user input in iOS: UITextField vs UITextView

Multiline Textbox with automatic vertical scroll

how can I display multiple lines of text on a button

Android and displaying multi-lined text in a TextView in a TableRow

Python get multiline value from properties file

I can't write multiline codes in Coffeescript Interactive Mode(REPL)

Bash: split long string argument to multiple lines?

What is the correct way to account for spaces in a regular expression? [duplicate]

WPF Multiline TextBlock CenterAlignment Issue [duplicate]

Java swing: Multiline labels? [duplicate]

Python multi-line with statement

How can I sync the scrolling of two multiline textboxes?

How to get multiline input from user [duplicate]

How edit multiple lines on Xcode (shortcut)

How to read mutliline input from stdin into variable and how to print one out in shell(sh,bash)?

How to Export a Multi-line Environment Variable in Bash/Terminal e.g: RSA Private Key

Multiline Text in a WPF Button

How to iterate the split result array of a multiline string value in order to reformat certain lines / newlines?

Prevent enter key on EditText but still show the text as multi-line

Is there a way to put comments in multiline code?