Multiline Text in a WPF Button

How do I get multi-line text on a WPF Button using only C#? I have seen examples of using <LineBreak/> in XAML, but my buttons are created completely programmatically in C#. The number and labels on the buttons correspond to values in the domain model, so I don't think I can use XAML to specify this.

I have tried the naive approach below, but it does not work.

Button b = new Button();
b.Content = "Two\nLines";


b.Content = "Two\r\nLines";

In either case, all i see is the first line ("Two") of the text.

OR in XAML directly:


I prefer this way:

<Button Width="100">
  <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap">This is a fairly long button label</TextBlock>

it worked for me.

Answer is very simple. Just use &#xa; to introduce line-break, i.e.:

<Button Content="Row 1 Text &#xa; Row 2 Text"/>

There are several ways to do this via XAML:

  1. Add a TextBlock with a line-break:
    <TextBlock TextAlignment="Center">Line 1<LineBreak/>Line 2</TextBlock>
  1. Add a line-break in the text:

This method is simple but there is no way to easily control the alignment of the text:

    <Button Content="Line 1 &#xa; Line 2"/>
  1. Add a Text Block and Wrap the text

Once the Buttons size is smaller than the TextBlocks size it will simply split the content into two lines or more automatically

  <TextBlock TextWrapping="Wrap" HorizontalAlignment="Center">Line 1 Line 2</TextBlock>
  1. Use can a StackPanel in your Button, and add each line as a Text Block:
        <TextBlock Text="Line1" HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
        <TextBlock Text="Line2" HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
  1. Use a Grid in your Button:
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
            <TextBlock Text="Line1" HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
            <TextBlock Text="Line2" HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
  • I'm sure many more exist, the list is basically in order from most to least favorite.