Scaled Bitmap maintaining aspect ratio

This will respect maxWidth and maxHeight, which means the resulting bitmap will never have dimensions larger then those:

 private static Bitmap resize(Bitmap image, int maxWidth, int maxHeight) {
    if (maxHeight > 0 && maxWidth > 0) {
        int width = image.getWidth();
        int height = image.getHeight();
        float ratioBitmap = (float) width / (float) height;
        float ratioMax = (float) maxWidth / (float) maxHeight;

        int finalWidth = maxWidth;
        int finalHeight = maxHeight;
        if (ratioMax > ratioBitmap) {
            finalWidth = (int) ((float)maxHeight * ratioBitmap);
        } else {
            finalHeight = (int) ((float)maxWidth / ratioBitmap);
        image = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(image, finalWidth, finalHeight, true);
        return image;
    } else {
        return image;

What about this:

Bitmap background = Bitmap.createBitmap((int)width, (int)height, Config.ARGB_8888);

float originalWidth = originalImage.getWidth(); 
float originalHeight = originalImage.getHeight();

Canvas canvas = new Canvas(background);

float scale = width / originalWidth;

float xTranslation = 0.0f;
float yTranslation = (height - originalHeight * scale) / 2.0f;

Matrix transformation = new Matrix();
transformation.postTranslate(xTranslation, yTranslation);
transformation.preScale(scale, scale);

Paint paint = new Paint();

canvas.drawBitmap(originalImage, transformation, paint);

return background;

I added a paint to filter the scaled bitmap.

here is a method from my Utils class, that does the job:

public static Bitmap scaleBitmapAndKeepRation(Bitmap targetBmp,int reqHeightInPixels,int reqWidthInPixels)
        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
        matrix .setRectToRect(new RectF(0, 0, targetBmp.getWidth(), targetBmp.getHeight()), new RectF(0, 0, reqWidthInPixels, reqHeightInPixels), Matrix.ScaleToFit.CENTER);
        Bitmap scaledBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(targetBmp, 0, 0, targetBmp.getWidth(), targetBmp.getHeight(), matrix, true);
        return scaledBitmap;

Here I have a tested solution where I create a scaled Bitmap out of a bitmap file:

    int scaleSize =1024;

    public Bitmap resizeImageForImageView(Bitmap bitmap) {
        Bitmap resizedBitmap = null;
        int originalWidth = bitmap.getWidth();
        int originalHeight = bitmap.getHeight();
        int newWidth = -1;
        int newHeight = -1;
        float multFactor = -1.0F;
        if(originalHeight > originalWidth) {
            newHeight = scaleSize ;
            multFactor = (float) originalWidth/(float) originalHeight;
            newWidth = (int) (newHeight*multFactor);
        } else if(originalWidth > originalHeight) {
            newWidth = scaleSize ;
            multFactor = (float) originalHeight/ (float)originalWidth;
            newHeight = (int) (newWidth*multFactor);
        } else if(originalHeight == originalWidth) {
            newHeight = scaleSize ;
            newWidth = scaleSize ;
        resizedBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, newWidth, newHeight, false);
        return resizedBitmap;

Notice that I need scaled Bitmaps which have a maximum size of 4096x4096 Pixels but the aspect ratio needs to be kept while resizing. If you need other values for width or height just replace the values "4096".

This is just an addition to the answer of Coen but the problem in his code is the line where he calculates the ratio. Dividing two Integers gives an Integer and if the result is < 1 it will be rounded to 0. So this throws the "divide by zero" exception.

None of the above answers were worked for me and I just created a method which sets all of the dimensions into the desired ones with painting the empty area to black. Here is my method:

 * Scale the image preserving the ratio
 * @param imageToScale Image to be scaled
 * @param destinationWidth Destination width after scaling
 * @param destinationHeight Destination height after scaling
 * @return New scaled bitmap preserving the ratio
public static Bitmap scalePreserveRatio(Bitmap imageToScale, int destinationWidth,
        int destinationHeight) {
    if (destinationHeight > 0 && destinationWidth > 0 && imageToScale != null) {
        int width = imageToScale.getWidth();
        int height = imageToScale.getHeight();

        //Calculate the max changing amount and decide which dimension to use
        float widthRatio = (float) destinationWidth / (float) width;
        float heightRatio = (float) destinationHeight / (float) height;

        //Use the ratio that will fit the image into the desired sizes
        int finalWidth = (int)Math.floor(width * widthRatio);
        int finalHeight = (int)Math.floor(height * widthRatio);
        if (finalWidth > destinationWidth || finalHeight > destinationHeight) {
            finalWidth = (int)Math.floor(width * heightRatio);
            finalHeight = (int)Math.floor(height * heightRatio);

        //Scale given bitmap to fit into the desired area
        imageToScale = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(imageToScale, finalWidth, finalHeight, true);

        //Created a bitmap with desired sizes
        Bitmap scaledImage = Bitmap.createBitmap(destinationWidth, destinationHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(scaledImage);

        //Draw background color
        Paint paint = new Paint();
        canvas.drawRect(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(), paint);

        //Calculate the ratios and decide which part will have empty areas (width or height)
        float ratioBitmap = (float)finalWidth / (float)finalHeight;
        float destinationRatio = (float) destinationWidth / (float) destinationHeight;
        float left = ratioBitmap >= destinationRatio ? 0 : (float)(destinationWidth - finalWidth) / 2;
        float top = ratioBitmap < destinationRatio ? 0: (float)(destinationHeight - finalHeight) / 2;
        canvas.drawBitmap(imageToScale, left, top, null);

        return scaledImage;
    } else {
        return imageToScale;

For example;

Let's say you have an image as 100 x 100 but the desired size is 300x50, then this method will convert your image to 50 x 50 and paint it into a new image which has dimensions as 300 x 50 (and empty fileds will be black).

Another example: let's say you have an image as 600 x 1000 and the desired sizes are 300 x 50 again, then your image will be converted into 30 x 50 and painted into a newly created image which has sizes as 300 x 50.

I think this is what it must be, Rs.