How to make form_rest() not display a field with Symfony2?

Solution 1:

Another option is to explicitly mark the field as rendered:

{% do form.contenu.setRendered %}

Solution 2:

Another in my opinion less hacky way to do it is this:

{{ form_widget(form._token) }} // render the CSRF Token
{{ form_end(form, {'render_rest': false}) }} // do not render anything else

It's from the official documentation (v3.0) so it's pretty much best practise i guess.

Solution 3:

{{ form_rest(form) }} goes at the very end, after rendering each field "manually". If you are using it for the CSRF token you can always render it with:

{# Token CSRF #}
{{ form_widget(form._token) }}

Solution 4:

The situation in which you don't want to show some field suggests badly designed form. You could feed some argument(s) into it's __construct to make it conditional (say, include/exclude some fields) or you could just create separate Form classes (which is, in my opinion, a bit overkill).

I had common case few months ago when form differed when user inserted/updated records. It was something like this:

public function __construct($isUpdateForm){
    $this->isUpdateForm= $isUpdateForm;

public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options){
    $builder->add('some_filed', 'text', ..... );

    if ( $this->isUpdateForm ){

If for some reasons you're not able to refactor form class you could still display unwanted fields but wrap them into <div> which has CSS display:none attribute. That way "they are still there" (and by all means are processed normally) but are not visible to user.

Hope this helps...