New posts in mouse

User Control screwed up but unable to click on icons with Mouse on OSX 10.8

pinch to zoom with magic mouse in Mountain Lion

Xubuntu 12.04, mouse cursor disappears

What do I do when Minecraft in fullscreen loses focus?

Single mouse clicks behaving as double clicks?

How to disable physical mouse buttons below touchpad

Can Third-Button Paste be emulated on the Mac? [duplicate]

Wireless mouse temporarily freezes (sleeps) on battery power

Is it possible to get the first click on an inactive window to not register?

OSX Lion - Stuck in Drag mode and mouse click events are not going through. Can I manually generate a mouseup event?

AppleScript : do a mouse scroll on a Finder window

How to change the cursor hotspot in OS X 10.8.5 Mountain Lion?

How to change focus-mode: mouse's delay?

Block keyboard and mouse input of remote user in Teamviewer session

How to disable right-click menu in terminal?

How to Determine if USB mouse supports PS/2?

How can I prevent my cursor from moving when I am clicking the trackpad?

How to Add Options to the Mouse Right Click Menu in Ubuntu 14.04?

How can I modify or eliminate the mouse pointer while recording the iOS Simulator with QuickTime Player?

Keyboard uunresponsive after resume from suspend