New posts in bettertouchtool

pinch to zoom with magic mouse in Mountain Lion

Spawning multiple instances of applications via shortcuts

Adding custom buttons to the Touch Bar without external apps

Customize Lock Screen to show Sleep button or allow BTT shortcuts to work in Lock Screen

How to disable Better Touch Tool (BTT) inside a specific app?

Is there any way to get BetterTouchTool to let me swipe between apps without cycling?

BetterTouchTool: Is it possible to use a context-menu item with a gesture?

Switching to an open application via BetterTouchTool (making it active)

How to keep BetterTouchTool alive?

How do I Change Force Touch "taptic" or haptic feedback on MacBook Pro?

Fix Better Touch Tool so that it doesn't prevent sleep?

How can I use an Apple remote control with customized actions without having the button actions happen?

Moving full screen apps between monitors shortcut

Execute Terminal Command fails in BetterTouchTool. Why?

"Fetching..." Behavior in Finder "Open With" Menu in Yosemite

How to bring back multi-touch gestures after it crashes without reboot?