How to disable physical mouse buttons below touchpad

Ok, as described in, it's possible to deactivate the hardware buttons in a laptop using xinput. The basic steps are the following:

  1. Get the name (or id) of your touchpad

    xinput list
  2. With that name (or id) you can disable you touchpad totally like this,

    xinput --disable 12

    being 12 the id of your touchpad, or you can disable only some buttons, using

    xinput list --long 12

    to get a map of the different buttons and then the option --set-button-map to remap them. For example,

    xinput --set-button-map 12 0 0 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    disables the first three buttons in my touchpad, that is, left, center and right.