Get unique values and their counts in a column

I have a column like this.


I want a file like this (which includes all unique values and their corresponding counts)

Streptococcus 3
Ecoli 3
Bcoli 1
Mycobacterium 1

Can anyone please help in getting it in ubuntu 12.04?

Solution 1:

Using sort and uniq,

$ sort f | uniq -ci | awk '{print $2,$1}'
Bcoli 1
Ecoli 3
Mycobacterium 1
streptococcus 3

Solution 2:

Assuming each item appears on another line, here is a python solution. Of course you can write the result to a file instead of printing it.

#!/usr/bin/env python
sourcefile = "/path/to/sourcefile"

with open(sourcefile, "r") as germ:
    germ = [item.lower().replace("\n", "") for item in germ.readlines()]
for item in sorted(set(germ)):
    print item.title(), germ.count(item)

it gives:

Bcoli 1
Ecoli 3
Mycobacterium 1
Streptococcus 3

To use it

paste the code above in an empty textfile, save it as, make it executable (for convenience reasons, so you don't need to type the language if you run it) and run it in a terminal window by the command:


In case you'd like to write it to a file directly

Use the code below:

#!/usr/bin/env python
sourcefile = "/path/to/sourcefile"
destfile = "/path/to/destinationfile"

with open(sourcefile, "r") as germ:
    germ = [item.lower().replace("\n", "") for item in  germ.readlines()]
with open(destfile, "wt") as germcount:
    for item in sorted(set(germ)):
        germcount.write(item.title()+" "+str(germ.count(item))+"\n")