New posts in model-theory

Uniqueness of hyperreals contructed via ultrapowers

What is the point of model theory?

Upper bound on cardinality of a field

Two definitions of strong homomorphism

Diophantine vs. existential definability

Surjective exponentials for algebraically closed fields

What techniques are available for "surgical adjustment" of models of set theory?

dense linear orders DLO

Why should the underlying set of a model be a set?

Relation between algebraic geometry over a field of characteristic $0$ and that over $\mathbb{C}$

Why use the term 'models' to interpret the double turnstile symbol?

Is there a "computable" countable model of ZFC?

Is there a well defined "intended" model of the real numbers in the same sense as there is one for the natural numbers?

Gödel's way of teaching non-standard models to Takeuti.

Does Euclidean geometry require a complete metric space?

Lowenheim-Skolem number for satisfaction via continuous function rings

A first order sentence such that the finite Spectrum of that sentence is the prime numbers

Why do first order languages have at most countably many symbols?

A Characterization of Categories with a Conservative Forgetful Functor to SET

Why do we know that Gödel sentences are true in the standard model of set theory, but do not know if the continuum hypothesis is?