New posts in minecraft-worldedit

How do I create a doughnut shape in WorldEdit?

Why don't I have permission to use WorldEdit?

How can I fill in every second block?

What's the fastest way to move builds from world to world?

Some WorldGuard commands not working

How to construct a //g command with WorldEdit in minecraft?

How can I make persistent variables in WorldEdit CraftScripting?

How to import an mcedit schematic using world edit?

Can I even out an entire ocean with world edit?

Can I rotate a WorldEdit selection horizontally?

Is there a command to spawn blocks in the air with worldedit?

Does anyone have a formula for Worldedit to create an icosahedron?

How to light megastructures in Minecraft without torch orglowstone spam?

How can I turn off animals in creative mode?

Random Stone Brick Replacement with Worldedit in Minecraft

Filling every air block above a specific block in a specific area

How do I change what way a block is facing when using //set [Minecraft 1.16.3 WorldEdit]

Generate an almost flat world in Minecraft

World edit unable the change biome in a specific world

Share edits to "Master" Minecraft world