Why don't I have permission to use WorldEdit?

Solution 1:

Due to the nature of worldedit, worldedit requires you to specify permissions, either the build in, or by using a permissions plugin

Worldedit uses the WEPIF (WorldEdit Permissions Interoperability Framework) to handle permissions.

If you're not using a permissions plugin, the easiest way is using Flat file permissions which allows you to simply give yourself all permissions by editing two files in the root of your server (same location as bukkit itself):





(replace sk89q with your username)

There's a list of permissions, on the Worldedit Wiki which can help you if you want to further specify permissions

Solution 2:

I realize this is a very old thread but for those players who still need help I will offer my limited experience. Recently the bukkit commands have changed to include minecraft commands that basically have the same permissions but are preceded with minecraft instead of bukkit. For example: - bukkit.command.op


  • minecraft.command.op

and so on.

I had the same problem described above and solved it by adding all the minecraft.commands to my perms. I use Groupmanager. I found this information at: http://wiki.bukkit.org/CraftBukkit_Commands

The new perms are listed under Mojang Permission on the spreadsheet.

I suspect bukkit is being phased out to be replaced by a Microsoft system under the heading of Mojang.

Regardless, I no longer get the dreaded fail message. :)