Generate an almost flat world in Minecraft

Solution 1:

If you are not adverse to using tools to edit the world outside of the game, WorldPainter may help you solve what you are after.

It is a self described map generator which "allows you to "paint" landscapes using similar tools as a regular paint program." which if you have not started building yet could help you flatten the landscape with what is essentially 3D painting tools for Minecraft.

I'm not currently in a location where I can test this program out myself, but it is worth a try. It's free, Open-Source and uses GPL. I've seen maps created with WorldPainter before, and if it allows you to create landscapes like this: enter image description here

Then flattening terrain should be a breeze. As the saying goes, if you want something done right, do it yourself (With the best tools you can get)

Solution 2:

There's no simple vanilla way to generate a world that I know of, that has a specific biome layout like a huge plain in the center and hills/mountains around - the best you can do is generate a 'large biomes' world, use a tool like AMIDST to find as big a plains biome as possible, then set world spawn there.

An easier option, that will unfortunately not provide the nice background mountains, is to generate a buffet world of nothing but plains:

enter image description here

The terrain is mostly flat, with occasional small hills, and the entire world is covered by this biome. To achieve this, pick Create New World, More World Options..., World Type: Buffet, Customize, Plains. Or Sunflower Plains, for extra sunflowers.

enter image description here