New posts in minecraft-java-edition

Other computers can't connect to my server

Effects of opposite potions and their order of application

Is it possible to spawn a Thaumcraft 4 hungry node in creative mode?

Fire damage in the Nether

How can I get the "Diamonds to you!" achievement in single player? [duplicate]

Do creatures spawn at rails?

What is Minecraft Indev?

A Redstone circuit that will only fire if a specific input is turned on?

Can someone help me with this Minecraft command?

Most efficient Big Reactor and how to automate it?

Can I use command blocks to teleport to my /spawnpoint without killing me?

Rain detector in minecraft with commands

My Minecraft Can't Switch Out Of The 3D Anaglyph

Pc is squeaking while playing Minecraft?

how would i summon an armor stand holding out his hands facing east in 1.11

Make GPS in Minecraft Vanilla

How do I trigger a command block by giving an item to a villager?

add 1 to your score in minecraft

"frozen" minecraft items

Iron Farm - Door Placement