Is it possible to spawn a Thaumcraft 4 hungry node in creative mode?

Solution 1:

You can use the /give command to spawn jarred nodes with specific NBT data, like this command, which gives a player a jarred hungry node with 100 terra:

/give <player> Thaumcraft:BlockJarNodeItem 1 0 {nodetype: 4, Aspects:[{amount:100, key: "terra"}], nodeid: "0:0:0:0"}

Simply place the jar in the world and unpack it like you would any other node.

In some cases your command will be too big to fit into the chat bar; I suggest using a command block to give the node to the nearest player (using the @p target specifier) if you run into that.

There are four tags that control the behavior of the spawned node:

nodetype determines what type of node it is, and ranges from 0 to 5.

  1. Normal
  2. Unstable
  3. Sinister
  4. Tainted
  5. Hungry
  6. Pure

nodemod determines whether it's a bright, pale, or fading node. If it's omitted, the node is normal.

  1. Bright
  2. Pale
  3. Fading

Aspects is an array of aspects that the node has; it's defined like this:

Aspects:[{amount:<amount>, key:<aspect>},{amount:<amount2>, key:<aspect2>}]

Keys are the lowercase names of the aspects; amount is the amount of vis the node has of that type. For example, to make a node with 100 of each primal aspect, your Aspects tag should look like this:

Aspects:[{amount:100, key:"terra"},{amount:100, key:"aqua"},{amount:100, key:"perditio"},{amount:100, key:"ordo"},{amount:100, key:"ignis"},{amount:100, key:"aer"}]

I can't find anything on nodeid unfortunately, so I can only speculate on it. It appears to be information about where the node was when it was jarred, in the form dimension:x:y:z - you should be fine just leaving it at 0:0:0:0.

The bulk of this information was sourced from this Reddit comment and this page on the Thaumcraft 4 Wikia.