Unable to unwrap present

Long long ago, I received a present from Dota. These presents were given every 5 levels I believed, and contained a handful of items (some skins, tools etc).

Some time ago, Dota changed its leveling system I believe* At the time, I was over level 20, as I'd opened my level 20 present and had been given my level 25 present. I am now level 25 in the new system, and attempting to open my present; however, it doesn't allow me: I'm told

Your Dota Profile isn't high enough level yet

Which is clearly incorrect, as I'm the right level (unless I need to be a level higher, but that's vague). In saying that, I just got to level 25, so perhaps it needs longer to realise? I don't remember ever having to wait to open my other presents.

Can this present still be opened? If not, what purpose does it serve? Why wouldn't they just remove it when they updated their levelling system, or update the message given?

The present:

Level 25 present

My Dota 2 profile, to prove I'm high enough level:

Dota profile

The message I'm given upon trying to open it

Error message

* I'm not exactly an avid player so I don't really follow much of what's going on. This is all just speculation.

Solution 1:

Since the reborn update retired presents (above lvl 9) can´t be opened anymore.
