New posts in minecraft-redstone

A Redstone circuit that will only fire if a specific input is turned on?

How can I move a block when it is placed without the piston interfering

Help make my fast minecart unloader more compact

What is the actual "spread speed" of water and lava in the context of a stone generator?

Efficient way to power stacked rows of pistons?

Vertical redstone crossroads

How to output signal when a button is pressed the 2nd time?

minecraft item frame not outputting redstone signal when item turned

How can I connect a field of pressure plates to a single output?

How can I change a pulse into a state?

Extend Pistons By Default in Minecraft [duplicate]

How can I make a piston block swapper that isn't flush with a wall?

Why does the Tekkit (New) Buildcraft Redstone Engine get overheated in the nether?

Toggle redstone circuit

Error with Double-Dabble decoder

Loading and unloading Minecart, Distance issues?

Minecraft redstone - 3 outputs and 2 inputs

How do I make the time between dispensers longer and random?

Powered rail not powering down

Are there any unstackable items that output 1 signal strength unit when attached to a comparator?