Pc is squeaking while playing Minecraft?

Every time I open Minecraft my computer starts squeaking a little. Did anyone of you have a similar problem or have a clue what could be the problem? This kind of behavior only occurs when playing Minecraft, all the other games run without any problems.

Solution 1:

Since this only happens when playing Minecraft, this is probably because your CPU is being overloaded when the game is running. Try minimising the amount of other applications you have open or making the game use less processing power. This can be achieved in several ways:

  • Making the FPS lower
  • Turn fancy graphics to fast
  • Set render distance low (< 5)
  • Minimise the amount of resource packs/any mods you might have
  • Running in a window instead of fullscreen
  • Turn on V-sync
  • Turn the GUI scale down to small

Note: This is not an exhaustive list, just a few ways that work.

Solution 2:

Try turning the frame rate limit down, since you said you had it at 600+ it may be caused by the computer drawing too much power and the power supply coils are starting to whine because of high energy draw.

Also turn on V-Sync and keep the max frame rate to about 120FPS to keep the quality as good as it can be.