New posts in microsoft-powerpoint

How do I animate only one word in a row?

Shortcut for adding new row or column in Powerpoint 2013 table

Change default slide layout in Powerpoint

How to set a textbox to wrap a word to the next line in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016?

Adding object to existing group

Remove all unused master slides in a PowerPoint presentation

Formatting list labels in Microsoft PowerPoint independently of the text that follows

How can I change elements which Design Ideas inserts in PowerPoint?

Powerpoint: how to insert document property (aka 'field') in slide?

Create a PDF from PowerPoint with animations

How can I add additional connector (glue) points to a shape in word or powerpoint?

Replacing background graphics of a PowerPoint theme

PowerPoint: only show the objects belonging to a particular animation step

Change the spell-checking language on a PowerPoint presentation

Export PowerPoint to PDF with each animation on a separate slide

Slideshow of video clips/timestamps?

How can I embed programming source code in Powerpoint slide and keep code highlighting?

Change default math font in Powerpoint

How do I change the language of all Powerpoint slides at once?